Sunday, July 11, 2010

Shit Happens

I would have to say that the number one duty that disturbed me the most about this internship was taking care of something we all do: take a dump. For having worked two weeks already, I would call myself lucky to not have had the pleasure up until now to actually do the wiping myself. I had done just about everything else you could imagine that had to do with feces: witnessed, carried, heard and...smelled. Well, yesterday was the big day. My first time. Unfortunately, it involved a little more.

I never thought I would be wiping the butt of someone in the future other than a plausible child of mine, when it finally came time to do it for my current internship. As I snapped on some rubber gloves I went on with the duty as I heard a sudden "clang," only to realize that a key from the sink had fallen right into the chamber pot - this was, in fact, a plastic pot attached to a seat for patients that are not yet ready to use the toilet.

What did I do? Well, I explained to the patient what had happened and gingerly fished it out, deciding to clean it AFTER I had the patient back in bed. The whole thing between hearing, fishing, and wiping really only happened in a matter of minutes, even though I am writing several paragraphs about the experience. I mean really, if I am not ready to deal with poo, then I am not ready to deal with this internship, nor the possibility of studying to become a registered nurse. And all in all, none of it is that bad so long as you breathe through the mouth.

I want to say I have seen it all but, really, what's next? Bring it on!

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